Jujak Regiment, Korean Shock Infantry
We’re not the best. The Jujak are in fact the worst—the worst adversaries anyone can face. Those are our credentials, and they’d be corroborated by our enemies if they weren’t all dead.
Knight of Santiago (Spitfire)
The Order of Santiago, with the blessing of PanOceania and O-12, has taken on the task of providing assistance and protection to the pilgrims and Circulars using these space routes.
Ariadna Support Pack
Ariadnan support troops can repair your equipment, call for a rain of death over the enemy, or run through the crossfire, whether on foot or motorized, in order to save your life.
Nomads Support Pack
The Daktaris and the Clockmakers, the exotic Nomad Doctors and Engineers, always have the best technology available—technology that only the Black Laboratories of Praxis can create. Along with their Zondbots, they can save the day—or even your life!
Parvati, Circle League Star (Submachine Gun)
A true Aristeia! star is not afraid of a challenge. So, once again, standing before the abyss of obsolescence, Parvati knows how to take risks, reinvent herself, and find a way to remain on the top, right where she can make a difference.