Make every roll unique! These beautifully designed tins of class-curated dice feature original tarot-style art representing each of the major 5E and Pathfinder classes (and the GM) in a collector’s-edition tin. Each set of dice is carefully chosen to suit each class: extra d6s for the Rogue’s Sneak Attack, extra d4s for the Wizard’s Magic Missiles, and extra d12s for the Barbarian’s massive Battle Axe!
RPG Class Dice Set Tin Display (Empty)
Publisher: Beadle & Grimm’s
Item Code: BNGD15
Coming soon to PHD!
This display is FREE to any retailer with purchase of 2 of every class set and 4 of the DM dice.
RPG Class Dice: Character Set Tin
Publisher: Beadle & Grimm’s
Item Code: BNGD01–14
MSRP: $25 (per set)
Coming soon to PHD!