Pigeon's Eleven
Pigeon’s Eleven
Publisher: 9th Level Games
Item Code: 9LG1111
MSRP: $14.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Pigeon’s Eleven is a fast, narrative heist game in which birds do crimes. You may have a beak and feathers, but you are also a professional who can pick locks, counterfeit credentials, and pull jobs. Plan insane heists as pigeons, crows, sparrows, and peacocks who’ll do anything to acquire a few crumbs of bread.
Dragonbane RPG
Dragonbane RPG: Rulebook
Publisher: Free League Publishing
item Code: FLFDGB007
MSRP: $39.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Dragonbane is a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game full of magic, mystery, and adventure. It is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast and furious play, with very little prep time and adventures that are a breeze to run. This book includes fast and effective d20-based game rules for character creation, skills, combat, magic, and travel, and the introductory adventure “The Castle of the Robber Knight.” Please note that a softback version of this book, without the introductory adventure, is included in the boxed Dragonbane Core Set (FLFDGB001).
Dragonbane RPG: Monster Standee Set
Publisher: Free League Publishing
Item Code: FLFDGB012
MSRP: $24.99
Releases March 1, 2024
From cat people to chimeras, fairies to frog people, hippogriffs to hydras, and many more—this set contains no fewer than 64 beautifully illustrated cardboard standees of fantastic creatures from the Dragonbane Bestiary. Standee bases are sold separately.
Dragonbane RPG: Standee Bases
Publisher: Free League Publishing
Item Code: FLFDGB013
MSRP: $1.99
Releases March 1, 2024
This set of ten plastic bases is for use with cardboard standees for the Dragonbane RPG.
Mutant: Year Zero: Ad Astra
Mutant: Year Zero: Ad Astra
Publisher: Free League Publishing
Item Code: FLFMUT009
MSRP: $39.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Ad Astra is a thrilling campaign module for Mutant: Year Zero that takes the player characters from the devastated surface of Earth into orbit, out into the solar system, and perhaps further still. Ad Astra can be played standalone or as a direct continuation of the Path to Eden campaign in the Mutant: Year Zero core rulebook. The book also includes rules for playing Mutant: Year Zero in space and an overview of the solar system with ideas for further adventures.
Deimos Academy
Deimos Academy is a GM-less, collaborative horror roleplaying game in a coloring book. It’s a game about adults returning to face the cursed boarding school that terrified them as children. Players are the adults who must attend a reunion at the school. With no clear recollection or memory of what their childhood was like at school, they slowly unlock what has clearly been repressed. As they uncover more and more of their old memories, they discover that a monster lurks beneath.
Deimos Academy
Publisher: Game and a Curry Games
Item Code: GAAC1011
MSRP: $34.99
Releases March 1, 2024
This is a horror collaborative storytelling roleplaying game that uses a coloring book, paper dolls, and dice. Players will be building the story together, remembering things from their characters’ pasts and attempting to overcome the fears they had as children.
It’s 2023 in New York City. You graduated from art school with dead prospects and too much talent. Nobody wants to hire a painter who doesn’t have extraordinarily rich parents. The art gallery scene in New York City only takes the wealthiest, most well-connected people. Unfortunately, you’re a nobody. Sure, you aced all your classes and you have a great eye. But it’s hard to make it into Art Forum magazine. Instead, you’ve found contract work in replicating famous paintings and selling them online, which is actually legal as long as you specify it’s a reproduction. The pay hasn’t been great…until you receive your latest commission.
Publisher: Game and a Curry Games
Item Code: GAACBCG001
MSRP: $29.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Forgery is a story of a down-on-her-luck art forger named Tempest who receives a new commission to recreate a painting that they discover is cursed over time. It is a solo tabletop roleplaying game where the player (you) will be coloring in a paint-by-numbers image. The colors that you choose determine the outcome to the story.
Shell Company: Don't Write Me Off
Welcome to the high-paced world of turtle dating! Your goal is to run the most successful turtle dating company, helping to romance turtles and sweep them right out of their shells. But you’re not the only one vying for their attention; you might find yourself at odds with a rival company as you attempt to woo these reptiles. You better make sure you have just the right gifts to make the best impression. If that doesn’t work, you could always donate the gifts and write off the expenses. After all, it’s not just about the love; it’s also about the money.
Shell Company: Don’t Write Me Off
Publisher: Lynnvander Studios
Item Code: LYNSHEL01
MSRP: $39.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Shell Company: Don’t Write Me Off is the first in a series of games Born at PAX. What does “Born at PAX” mean? Lynnvander Studios teamed up with the PAX team to run a panel called Design a Board Game Live. Shell Company: Don’t Write Me Off was conceived by the crowd at PAX East 2022. They came up with the combination of turtle dating sim and tax evasion, and Lynnvander Studios refined those ideas into this board game!
Shell Company is an auction-style bidding game with a touch of bluffing where players will need to manage their finances in order to acquire gifts. These gifts can either be used to romance potential clients, or they can be donated and used as a tax write-off. Both of these things are important because players are scored based on their weaker area.
Worminators: Inside Job
Welcome to the Big Apple, a city rotten to its core. A high-profile politician has just been murdered, and only the Worminators can solve the case. You’re one of the hotshot detectives that have earned the title of Worminator, and you’ve been ordered by the chief to investigate this murder. If the media frenzy around the case weren’t enough to throw you off your game, the mayor’s office seems to be blocking you at every turn. Rumors run rampant that this might be…an inside job.
Worminators: Inside Job
Publisher: Lynnvander Studios
Item Code: LYNWORM01
MSRP: $39.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Worminators: Inside Job is a game Born at PAX. What does “Born at PAX” mean? Lynnvander Studios teamed up with the PAX team to run a panel called Design a Board Game Live. Worminators: Inside Job was conceived by the crowd at PAX West 2022. They came up with the combination of buddy-cop worms, and Lynnvander Studios refined their ideas into this board game!
In Worminators: Inside Job, each player is a worm detective assigned to the case. You will build your own deck of Detective cards as the game advances, using them to gather evidence and bring it to the courthouse. Will you be able to assemble the clues and solve the murder before the city becomes overrun with corruption or drowns in criminal activity? Get your badge and let’s find out.
The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls 2E
The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls
Publisher: Maestro Media
Item Code: MMG2617E
MSRP: $44.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Code | Description | MSRP |
MMG2624E | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Requiem | $34.99 |
MMG2631E | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Big Boi Box | $74.99 |
MMG30216E | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls+ (2nd Edition) | $25.00 |
MMG2648E | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Ultimate Collection | $124.99 |
MMGBPM2PL | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Peach Momoko 2-Player Mat | $30.00 |
MMG3043 | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Requiem- 4-Player Mat | $45.00 |
MMG3061 | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Holy Rollers Dice Set | $25.00 |
MMG2766 | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Unholy Rollers Dice | $25.00 |
MMGBBLANK | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Blank Cards | $12.00 |
MMGBTEARS | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Tear Tokens | $12.00 |
MMGBHEARTS | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls- Heart Tokens | $12.00 |
Sugar Heist
Sugar Heist is an action-packed heist game in which players collect, trade, and steal candy cards. Dominate your opponents and strategically steal their sweets as you battle it out for the biggest stash of candy.
Sugar Heist
Publisher: Maestro Media
MSRP: $20
Releases March 1, 2024
Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Robots- Eyebots

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Robots- Eyebots
Publisher: Modiphius Entertainment
Item Code: MUH0190045
MSRP: $27.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Elder Scrolls Call to Arms: Hagraven Coven
For some, the pursuit of power is worth any price. A monstrous blending of human and bird, Hagravens are the result of a ritual to sacrifice their very humanity for increased magical prowess. Twisted and vicious, they shy away from civilization in the forsaken corners of Skyrim. Adventurers should be wary of them, for they wield deadly magic and fight with terrible talons.
Elder Scrolls Call to Arms: Hagraven Coven
Publisher: Modiphius Entertainment
Item Code: MUH0330405
MSRP: $37
Releases March 1, 2024
For use with The Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms Miniatures Core Rules and Chapter 4 Card Pack. Expand your game with other Starter and Expansion Sets also available now. Contents: 3 Hagravens and 3 scenic bases.
Elder Scrolls Call to Arms: Draugr Lords
Elder Scrolls Call to Arms: Draugr Lords
Publisher: Modiphius Entertainment
Item Code: MUH0330414
MSRP: $53
Releases March 1, 2024
Fallout RPG: Map Pack 1- Vault
Fallout RPG: Map Pack 1- Vault
Publisher: Modiphius Entertainment
Item Code: MUH0580220
MSRP: $45
Releases March 1, 2024
Distilled: Africa & Middle East Expansion
The Distilled Africa & Middle East Expansion adds over 100 cards and tokens to the game, including new recipes, spirits, identities, upgrades, and more to expand and diversify your Distilled gameplay experience!
Distilled: Africa & Middle East Expansion
Publisher: Paverson Games
Item Code: PVG01001
MSRP: $24.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Contents: 49 cards (56 x 87mm), 31 cardboard tokens, 15 large tasting flight cards, 10 mini cards (41 x 63mm), 1 rulebook.
Fall of Delta Delta Green RPG: The Borellus Connection
Fall of Delta Delta Green RPG: The Borellus Connection
Publisher: Pelgrane Press
Item Code: PELGDG02
MSRP: $59.95
Releases March 1, 2024
This full-color, 400-page hardback book features dazzling original art that evokes the drug-fueled 1960s setting. The eight linked adventures are each playable as a standalone investigation or as part of an epic campaign. It was designed by Kenneth Hite and written by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, the team that created the multi-award-winning, critically-acclaimed Dracula Dossier.
Captain Flip
Ahoy, Captain! Hoist your flag, recruit a crew, and fill your coffers with shiny, gold coins.
Captain Flip
Publisher: PlayPunk
Item Code: PLPCF38082
MSRP: $29.99
Releases March 1, 2024
Captain Flip is a game of obvious simplicity explained in less time than a cannonball shot. On your turn, draw a tile from the bag. You like it? Keep it! You don’t like it? Flip it! Then place it on your board to form your crew. With its nine characters and four boards with different tactics, Captain Flip offers an immediate, fun, and subtle gaming experience.
Redwood is a game of movement estimations and angle of view where players have to take pictures of wild animals to compose the most beautiful panorama.
Publisher: Sit Down Games
Item Code: LUMSDO013
MSRP: $64.99
Releases March 1, 2024
During their turn, each player will have to choose between different movements and their angle of view (materialized by real plastic elements) to catch the animals in the picture (without disturbing them). Collecting animals and decorative elements earn victory points. During the game, new conditions for earning points will appear. The game ends after five turns, and players will be rewarded if they meet certain conditions to earn more points.
Show your determination and reign supreme in this fierce and adorable card game. Welcome to the vibrant world of Tanuki, where Gardeners, Geishas, Ninjas, and tons of cute furry creatures clash in a race to cultivate the most productive bamboo garden. Will you try to get revenge or stay focused on your own garden? If you are looking for cute designs, fierce battles, and strategic decision-making, Tanuki is the game for you. Do you have what it takes to win in this no-holds-barred, take-that game? It’s time to unleash your inner furry warrior!
Publisher: Synapses Games
Item Code: SYNTAN01EN
MSRP: $18
Releases March 1, 2024
Tanuki is a fast-paced card game in which players compete to grow the most productive bamboo garden. During their turn, players play Action or Character cards, apply the cards’ effects, and harvest bamboo from their gardens. Each Character card in the garden has its own unique abilities. The game finishes once the harvest season has come to an end. The player with the most bamboo wins. Strategic decision-making and interaction between players are key elements of this game. The legendary tanukis, also known as the Japanese raccoon dog, are reputed to be mischievous and jolly masters of disguise within Japanese folklore.