PSI April 2 Releases

PSI April 2 Releases

Santorini 2nd Edition

Santorini, 2e
Publisher: Roxley Games
Item Code: ROX305
MSRP: $49.99
Releases April 2, 2025

This entry is for the retail edition that has 32 gods and 4 mode cards, as compared to the Pantheon Edition with 100 gods and 12 mode cards. The remaining content was split into 4 expansion packs: Soaring over Olympus, Tides of Poseidon, Seasons of Chaos, and Hiding in the Underworld.

Return to Dark Tower (reprint)

Return to Dark Tower is a game for heroes who undertake epic quests, fight fearsome foes, and test their mettle against the looming darkness of the titular tower. Designed by Rob Daviau and Isaac Childres, the game can be played cooperatively or competitively.

Return to Dark Tower (reprint)
Publisher: Restoration Games
Item Code: REO9200
MSRP: $190
Reprint Available April 2, 2025

The game includes a 12-inch-tall, motorized, app-enabled tower with three levels of rotation, 16 LEDs, 56mm speaker, and infrared sensor. The innovative app integration leads to an immersive dynamic gameplay experience with nearly endless quest iterations to explore and conquer.

Vault 5e: Mortar & Pestle

Brew poisons, potions, and elixirs for every occasion. From the award-winning team that brought you Broken Weave, A Life Well Lived, and Uncharted JourneysLearn the lost art of alchemy and harness the magical power innate to the Material Plane in this new 5th edition supplement! Mortar & Pestle introduces new rules for brewing potions, poisons, and explosives, along with rules for finding and refining ingredients, building and tending to your garden, and hunting dangerous monsters!

Mortar & Pestle (5E)
Publisher: Cubicle 7
Item Code: CB70614
MSRP: $44.99
Releases April 2, 2025

Mortar & Pestle (5E): Deck of Potions
Publisher: Cubicle 7
Item Code: CB70620
MSRP: $21.99
Releases April 2, 2025

These card decks make it easy to keep track of your potions! The Deck of Potions includes all of the elixirs and concoctions you’ll find in Mortar & Pestle.

Mortar & Pestle (5E) sample spreadMortar & Pestle is the book that brings the lost arts of alchemy to your 5e games. By finding the fragments of magic in your world and forging lasting connections with the people in your world, you can keep yourself and your party supplied on their next adventure! Plant your own magical garden to grow the priceless herbs you need, or gather your party to hunt down terrifying monsters and harvest rare components. This Alchemy system allows you to concoct a brand new range of bizarre potions. Mix reagents and refine alchemical components to create invigorating potions to bolster your allies.

Vault 5e: Hammer & Anvil

Give your characters the equipment they deserve with this brand new 5th edition supplement that lets you design and build bespoke adventuring gear! Hammer & Anvil introduces new rules for crafting new weapons, armor, shields, and mechanical contraptions. There are rules for creating powerful magic items for those with minds meant for magic, not machinery.

Hammer & Anvil (5E)
Publisher: Cubicle 7
Item Code: CB70610
MSRP: $44.99
Releases April 2, 2025

Hammer & Anvil (5E): Deck of Magic Items
Publisher: Cubicle 7
Item Code: CB70624
MSRP: $21.99
Releases April 2, 2025

This card deck make it easy to keep track of your gear! The Deck of Magic Items includes all the artefacts and enchanted gear from Hammer & Anvil.

Hammer & Anvil (5E) sample spreadHammer & Anvil is the 5e supplement that will give your characters the adventuring gear they deserve. With this book, you’ll put your ingenuity to the test and be rewarded for your creative designs! You can use the mundane and magical materials of your world to complete your vision of your character. Your great work may start as a humble longsword, but with the right equipment and materials, you will be able to craft a legendary blade capable of cleaving reality in two and summoning an ethereal being to serve by your side. Forge custom weapons and become a legendary weaponsmith with Cubicle 7’s new Weapon Forging system.

All April 2 Releases

Code Description MSRP
CAT28011 Shadowrun: Deadly Arts $49.99
CAT35753 BattleTech: Battlefield Support- Recon & Hunter Lances $39.99
CAT35758 BattleTech: Inner Sphere Heavy Recon Lance Miniatures Pack $29.99
CB70610 Hammer & Anvil (5E) $44.99
CB70624 Hammer & Anvil (5E): Deck of Magic Items $21.99
CB70614 Mortar & Pestle (5E) $44.99
CB70620 Mortar & Pestle (5E): Deck of Potions $21.99
IBCSHBW1 Sherlock: The Game Is Afoot $29.99
LBM061 Battle Mat: Giant Book of Shadow Scar Battle Maps $46.99
PHG3604C Summoner Wars: Deluxe Deck Boxes Set 5 $29.95
ROX305 Santorini, 2e $49.99
SJG4279 Munchkin: Warm Fuzzies $11.95

April 2 Reprints

Code Description MSRP
BEZRPDX Rebel Princess (Deluxe Edition) $29.95
BEZRPSE Rebel Princess $14.95
FGAKLFK Kingdom Legacy: Feudal Kingdom $16.00
IBCAVA1 Resistance: Avalon $24.99
IBCCOU1 Coup $16.99
IBCRES3 The Resistance 3rd Ed $24.99
PBXSE01 Side Effects $25.00
REO9200 Return to Dark Tower $190.00
RVM033 Creature Caravan $50.00
SJG1483 Munchkin Deluxe $34.95
SND1009 boop. $29.95
TFC53000 Dracula vs. Van Helsing $29.99

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